Vitalsorb, containing lysolecithin, forms a stable emulsion aiding fat digestion. The liver produces lysolecithin, but insufficiently. Vitalsorb assists fat digestion effectively.

Vitalsorb Pure’s Stability

In digestion of fats, it is important for the emulsifier to form a stable emulsion over 90 minutes. Vitalsorb is an emulsifier made of lysolecithin that is able to achieve this stability. As you can observe from the video, the solution is still cloudy after 90 minutes which signifies the emulsion formed by Vitalsorb being stable. The cloudiness is formed due to the fat being suspended in water. Did you know the liver also produces lysolecithin to help with digestion of fats. However, the liver is not able to produce enough lysolecithin to handle all the fats effectively. Therefore, Vitalsorb is a very useful natural assistant in the function of fat digestion.

inflation of fats prices and how lysolecithin can reduce cost

History of Fats and Prices

In the 1990’s, lipids (fats and oils) were cheap; about USD 300/metric ton (1990) therefore adding lipids to feed was a competitive option. However, with the global push towards sustainability, more lipids were used for manufacturing of biodiesels. As a result of using lipids for fuel, lipid prices sky rocketed and at its’ peak during Covid, it was around USD 1800/mt. It has since stabilised at USD 900/mt. However the future of lipid supply looks even tighter (less supply volume) as governments commit to higher biodiesel usage. Due to this trend, we expect lipid prices to keep increasing in the future. With this backdrop, GN Good Nutrition has manufactured lysolecithin to optimise the use of lipids in feed to help farmers reduce costs.

inflation, rising costs, farmers, feed, animals, lysolecithin

How GN Good Nutrition is helping with inflation and rising costs

Farmers greatest challenge today is inflation – including high cost of input materials for farming, and yet consumers fighting back on pricing of eggs, meats and fish. GN Good Nutrition streamlines our efforts to alleviate rising cost by innovation. These innovations include increasing the surface area of the additives, manufacturing additives that concentrate on reducing costs and also on reducing pro-inflammatory response of animals. For instance, GN Good Nutrition’s Vitalsorb lysolecithin increases absorbability of oils and lecithin and therefore helps reduce amount oils and lecithin needed in feeds to achieve similar animal and aqua performance. GN’s Mastiguard reduces inflammation from mastitis in cows therefore providing higher milk yields and better milk quality (lower SCC).

Research results of lysolecithin at University of Kasetsart

What financial benefit can you expect by including lysolecithin?

GN Good Nutrition focuses on the long game of improving every aspect of animal and people’s livelihood. How can adding lysolecithin to animal feed financially benefit you?

Firstly, nutritionists can work with an energy matrix value benefit that the University of Kasetsart derived in trials using Vitalsorb lysolecithin. The results demonstrated superior nutrient absorption of lipids using Vitalsorb. For more details on the results, do contact us.

Lysolecithin creates smaller fat droplets for better nutrient absorption

What is an emulsifier?

Let’s talk about emulsifiers. So, what is an emulsifier? An emulsifier helps to mix lipids, oils and fats into the water based environment of intestines of the livestock, poultry or fish and shrimps.

How do we know one emulsifier is better than another?
The smaller the fat droplet in the water emulsion, the more easily it is absorbed.

lysolecithin, lecithin, livestock, poultry, swine, aqua, fish

How does lysolecithin improve the animal feed?

We can’t emphasize enough how important lysolecithin is to create better animal feed.

Since feed formulations adds between 3 – 8% oils and on top of that, fats and grains also contains oils and fats, it is an enormous amount of fats to digest using only internal emulsifiers. Without help of external emulsifiers, a big amount of fats will not be digested nor absorbed. It is important include an emulsifier that will maximise the main function – the digestibility and absorption of lipids.

But what emulsifier to include?

In the case of emulsification power, GN Good Nutrition lysolecithin is far superior to lecithin to digest lipids (fats and oils) and superior nutrient absorption.

Emulsification of lecithin vs emulsification lysolecithins in livestock and aqua

What happens when lecithin is hydrolysed?

Previously, we’ve seen how lysolecithin is produced – through the process of hydrolysis of lecithin. This is a vital step as lysolecithin becomes a more effective emulsifier compared to lecithin for lipids, oils and fats for better absorption in the animal gut.

Why does lysolecithin emulsify fats better?

Lysolecithin is able to make the fat mix with water in the intestines into smaller globules compared to lecithin. The smaller globules present more surface area for enzymes like lipase to digest the fat.

lecithin hydrolysis to lysolecithin, lysolecithin one less fatty acid leg

What is lysolecithin?

At GN Good Nutrition, we constantly strive to add value to feedmills and farmers. One such product we produce is lysolecithin powder. Lysolecithin powder is an important solution to manage price inflation of fats and lecithin.

So what is lysolecithin?

Lysolecithin are produced from raw material of lecithin. Lecithin is hydrolysed to remove one fatty acid to produce Lysolecithin. This is an enzymatic process.