How does lysolecithin improve the animal feed?

lysolecithin, lecithin, livestock, poultry, swine, aqua, fish

We can’t emphasize enough how important lysolecithin is to create better animal feed.

Since feed formulations adds between 3 – 8% oils and on top of that, fats and grains also contains oils and fats, it is an enormous amount of fats to digest using only internal emulsifiers. Without help of external emulsifiers, a big amount of fats will not be digested nor absorbed. It is important include an emulsifier that will maximise the main function – the digestibility and absorption of lipids.

But what emulsifier to include?

In the case of emulsification power, GN Good Nutrition lysolecithin is far superior to lecithin to digest lipids (fats and oils) and superior nutrient absorption.

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History of Fats and Prices
In the 1990’s, lipids (fats and oils) were cheap; about USD 300/metric ton (1990) therefore adding lipids to feed was a competitive option. However, with the global push towards sustainability, more lipids were used for manufacturing of biodiesels.
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How GN Good Nutrition is helping with inflation and rising costs
Farmers greatest challenge today is inflation. GN Good Nutrition streamlines our efforts to alleviate rising cost by innovation.